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its been the problem with all diffuser users who shared their problems with me viz
The lamp starts to boil rapidly
There are rapid volatilization and the overwhelming smell of the aroma
The average run time of the costly aroma oils is drastically reduced.
To solve these problems two lamps were designed —one which runs on tea-light candles and one which heats with an electric bulb.
1 CHIMNEY BASED DIFFUSER —-called chimney lamp, this lamp is the first-ever scientific diffuser provided with a chimney /vent, which enables the excess heat to pass off. the chamber filled with water is thus kept at below the boiling point and shall not boil at all .
In this lamp, the diffusion temp is thus around 80-85 deg .centigrade, which is ideal for diffusion. this lamp gives an excellent average of the essential oils and thus is a boon to those in the field of aromatherapy and are faced with the constant problems of overheated lamps which make them invest in oils.
Price: Rs.650
2 BUDDHA ELECTRIC DIFFUSER — called the Buddha lamp because it has the silhouette of the Buddha cut of, and around it are patterns of leaves cut off. the idea is to project the Buddha meditating under a tree .
In this lamp, there is a distance maintained between the container which holds the water and the bulb, which ensures a temperature less than the boiling point.
This lamp can be used as a night lamp also, by interchanging the 25w bulb with a 15 w bulb one get a very soft and pleasant light through the night.
Price: Rs.1200
This section of lamps are like the conventional diffuser lamps available everywhere, of the boiling type, but in them lies the uniqueness of design which is typical for its aesthetic beauty.
The lamps are typically suggested for quick sessions only or for camphor and dhoop diffusion WHICH DOES NEED THE BOILING POINT TO BE ATTAINED, for effective diffusion.
The two models available are as follows
This lamp comes with a handle and is perfect for carrying around and also looks very pretty with a unique design of its shape.
Price: Rs.600
A very simplistic design ,it’s a straight cylinder and carries its beauty in its simplicity .
Price: Rs 450
NOTE : ALL LAMPS ARE PROVIDED WITH A COMPLIMENTARY OIL –TEA-LIGHT LAMP .this is to ensure the eco-friendly usage of our lamps, as the user will not have to buy the run of the mill aluminum tea-light candles of the use and throw nature !!
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